I have been married to my beautiful wife Diane for 37 years. We have three children, 2 grandchildren and two step grandchildren. We have been residents of The Colony TX since 1993. Diane and I both are members of The Colony Lions Club and participate in many projects that help make our community a better place. I attended Amarillo College, Frank Phillips College and West Texas State University to complete my undergraduate studies. In 1997, I graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic with a Doctorate in Chiropractic. Since graduating, I have been in private practice utilizing various gentle, safe techniques such as Applied Kinesiology (AK), Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Total Body Modification (TBM), Diversified, Extremity Adjusting, Soft Tissue and Rehabilitation. I began teaching at Parker University in 2004 In the Chiropractic Sciences Department and am currently a full time Associate Professor. While at Parker Univerisy I have taught several chiropractic techniques such as Neuro Emotional Technique, Applied Kinesiology, Extraspinal (extremity) Adjusting Technique, Diversified Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique and Physiotherapy II. I am a Certified Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Practitioner and is an instructor for NET. I have taught NET seminars around the United States and was NET Doctor of the Year in 2009. I am also certified in Graston Soft Tissue Mobilization Technique (GSTMT) and Low Level Laser Therapy. I continue to see patients in my private practice in The Colony, TX.